Saturday 5 June 2021

Stabbed 2/2

5th June 2021
Jab no. 2 done.
Originally booked for the 11th June but the NHS sent emails and SMS to say that "As you’re in a high priority group, we’re now able to offer you earlier dates for your 2nd dose vaccination appointment.” To get an earlier appointment I first had to cancel the existing one on the 11th. I know what you’re thinking and so did I. In the event having cancelled the 11th June appointment I was then offered a list of available places and dates and sure enough first on that list was 11th June at Fleet, Hampshire, scrolling down bit however offered 5th June back at the Madjeski Stadium in Reading. The centre in Fleet being a little closer as the crow flies it came up top even though the available slots were later.
 Madejski Stadium aerial, August 2014
The vaccination centre is in the conference centre on the front of the stadium proper as shown on the above photo. It was a lot busier this time than on my previous visit bt well organised and with plenty of people in hi-vis pointing out where to park, where to go, which queue to join etc.
At the entrance jabbees were divided into two streams 1st jab given a green sticker and sent right into the Pfizer queue, 2nd jab given a red sticker and sent left into the AstraZeneca queue. After initial checks to see if you could remember your name and date of birth and had your appointment number (which caught out the man in front of me in the queue even though it should have been bloody obvious he would need it, cue frantic scrolling on phone) I joined the cubicle queue behind maybe 10 other people, two of whom were a couple going in together. The queue minder remarked that it was only now starting to get busy having been almost empty since opening time.
So into the cubicle and another check to see if you could still remember your name and date of birth, whether you were on any relevant meds, reactions to the first dose, had any COVID19 symptoms etc. I was again stabbed in the arm and my vaccination card filled in up-to-date. In and out in about 15 minutes.
Still no lollipops though :-(

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