Ideally I wanted to replace them with a new pair the same as the existing. So I checked the Decathlon web site. Couldn’t find them in the current range. By chance I found them in the “offers” section as last chance, end of line and it showed 1 pair available in my size in the nearest branch. No time to waste then and since there was something else I wanted as well that was supposed to be in stock off I went.
And up and down the walking footwear aisle I went, several times to no avail. Oh well. I spent 20 minutes or so trying on the other offerings of full-height waterproof* walking boots before settling on a comfortable pair in boring all-black. Then as I headed for the till I found an “on sale” rack of footwear several aisles away from the other footwear and right there was the pair I’d come for. Quick swap, happy days. Never did find the other thing I went for though.
Just been up across country to the village for milk and bread and to “christen” them. Very comfortable, no breaking in required. Feet and arse dry 👍
Ready for the next trek.
*As an aside how can you describe boots as waterproof when they don’t have a bellows tongue? There was one pair on offer which though comfortable would have resulted in soggy socks if you stepped in any puddle deeper than 2”.
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