Wednesday 18 September 2024

Open House 2024 (1): Air Raid Shelter, St Leonards Court



Open House web site says:

The Air Raid Shelter was first built in 1939 for the the residents of St Leonards Court. A dormitory annex with 48 beds was added in 1940. Some of the original features, such as handmade lampshades, are remarkably well preserved.

I'd read about this place before but never actually managed to get here during previous Open House weeks so this year I made a point of heading to Mortlake first.

This was a private air raid shelter built by the developer of the flats who could see which way the winds of war were blowing. Originally two rooms with seating for 120, although that was less than the number of residents at the outbreak of the war. It was only open to the residents of the flats, residents in the houses on the other side of the street had to go to the public shelters further away.

Open House, Air Raid Shelter, St. Leonards Court, Mortlake.

As a fairly confined space access to the shelter for Open House was by guided tour but with no need to book in advance and as I was there at opening time there was only three of us and the lady giving the tour explaining the history and pointing out the features.

Open House, Air Raid Shelter, St. Leonards Court, Mortlake.

It really is a hidden gem. Although some of it was used post war for storage it is substantially unchanged from how it was built. The original benches, chemical toilets, light fittings  (including the bulbs!), and other fittings such as coat hooks with period sign-written numbers all remain in situ.

In the dormitory annex which was added in 1940 there are still home made lampshades over where the bunks were. Most of the original bunk boards have gone because if you leave decent quality oak planks lying about they tend to get reused elsewhere but one has been recreated to show the space you got for your £7 yearly rent. (Approx £330 in 2024).

Open House, Air Raid Shelter, St. Leonards Court, Mortlake.

There's a much fuller history here at the Habitats and Heritage website who look after the site. Currently it's  operated under a licence from the freeholder so only open for educational visits and once a year for Open House but they are hoping to secure a lease which will mean it could be opened more often. It would also mean they could restore the electricity supply and carry out some much needed maintenance since the structure is currently on the English Heritage 'at risk' register. I wish them well.

 Open House, Air Raid Shelter, St. Leonards Court, Mortlake.

 There are more photos in my Open House 2024 Flickr Album


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