Wednesday 18 September 2024

Open House 2024 (3): The Victorian Society



Open House web site says:

 Part of the original Bedford Park development restored by the Victorian Society and used as their headquarters since the 1970s. Picturesque style; 3-storeys, Red and yellow brick; Dutch gable; oriel windows. Dated 1880, designed by E. J. May.

What better place for the society which works to protect Victorian and Edwardian buildings from demolition and destruction than a very 1880s house on a corner of a Victorian suburban development. 

 Open House, The Victorian Society, 1, Priory Gardens Chiswick.

 It's mostly used as offices now and for Open House they'd put up some displays explaining what they do and were doing a bit of low intensity recruiting. Tea and cake was available but I gave it a miss as they appeared only to have chocolate cake left.

There are some nice original features but to be honest I've worked in any number of similar houses converted to offices.

Open House, The Victorian Society, 1, Priory Gardens Chiswick.

Which I suppose is rather the point, these Victorian places are well built and can be adapted to new uses rather than being knocked down and replaced by buildings with a shorter designed life expectancy.

Open House, The Victorian Society, 1, Priory Gardens Chiswick.

The entry on the Open House programme listing gives a more detailed description of the house and the work of the society. While I was there the local press photographer turned up to get some shots of people enjoying their Open House visit so you never know, my "Peoples Republic of Middlesex" tee shirt might find fame in the Chiswick Herald, the Hounslow & Chiswick Guardian, or on some other clickbaity local news website 😄

I enjoyed the walk there from Mortlake via the Thames at Barnes. The unexpected walk back to Mortlake due to the almost inevitable early termination of the E3 bus I enjoyed a bit less but I made it in time to catch my train.

There are more photos in my Open House 2024 Flickr Album

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